Protecting Unoccupied Properties of Louisville with Exclusive Specialty Dwelling Insurance Solutions

Your rental properties or homes are one of the biggest investments of your life that you can ever make. However, there are some properties that you may own but you can’t be there all the time. In such cases, you need to choose a policy that goes beyond traditional homeowners insurance. That’s where specialty dwelling insurance comes in. 

Specialty dwelling insurance covers such types of properties that are difficult to insure, like vacant homes, lower-value homes, or rental properties. 

Don't Compromise on Protection of Your Property

When it comes to safeguarding your unique property, compromising on protection is not an option. That's why specialty dwelling insurance is a wise investment you can't afford to overlook.

Why Specialty Dwelling Insurance is a Wise Investment?

Unlike standard homeowners insurance, Specialty Dwelling Insurance in Louisville, Kentucky, is tailored to meet the specific needs of properties that fall outside the traditional norm. Whether you own a historic home, a rental property, a vacation getaway, or any other unconventional dwelling, this insurance provides comprehensive coverage against risks that standard policies may not address adequately.

Invest in Specialty Dwelling Insurance in Louisville, Kentucky and gain peace of mind. Your property deserves the best protection available.

Specialty Dwelling Insurance

There are multiple scenarios where specialty dwelling insurance is necessary:


Rental Properties

If you own a rental property, specialty dwelling insurance is a must-needed coverage to protect your investment. It covers the amount of coverage for the physical structure of the rental property, liability protection in case someone gets injured on the premises, and loss of rental income if the property becomes uninhabitable due to natural disasters like storms or fires. 


Vacant Homes

Vacant homes come with a lot of problems as there is no one to maintain and keep a check on them. Specialty dwelling insurance provides coverage to insure vacant homes to protect them against risks like theft, fire, or other perils. 


Seasonal & Vacation Homes

The insurance works quite well if you have a seasonal home or a vacation property. It protects not only the coverage for the structure but also protects your physical belongings. It may or may not cover the expenses of the additional structures like boat houses or sheds. 


Older & Lower Value Homes

There is no denying the fact that older or lower-value homes demand more maintenance, and it isn’t easy to find an insurance company that is ready to cover its cost. But we have designed a special policy especially for such kinds of homes so that you won’t have to incur losses. 


Credit Problems

Homeowners who have credit problems can opt for specialty swelling insurance as they don’t qualify for a standard homeowner’s policy due to poor credit. No wonder credit history can negatively impact the amount of insurance premium, but our insurers specialize in providing coverage for individuals with credit challenges.


Homes Under Construction

If your home is under construction, you can choose this type of insurance to protect it until the completion of the construction process. Once construction is complete, the policy can be transitioned to a standard homeowner’s insurance policy.